Question: Are the scenarios in the IndustrySim Virtual Platform realistic? Do they represent the best available industrial concept? Answer: The IndustrySim Virtual Platform (ISVP) scenarios are realistic since they base on the laws of natural sciences. The constructor of a … Read More
Author Archives: IndustrySim

IndustrySim Business Model
We are constantly working to make the IndustrySim Virtual Platform (ISVP) attractive both to gamers (B2C) and to companies (B2B). We could make it simple and just craft some scenarios, but we believe there is a smarter way to boost … Read More
Is this a simulation package?
No. IndustrySim Virtual Platform is a serious game that can favorably be used to boost efficiency in employee and university training, as well as in marketing of industrial equipment and services. Although high-quality simulations are used by the game, it … Read More

IndustrySim Virtual Platform announced on Steam!
We’re very happy to inform that the IndustrySim Virtual Platform has just been officially announced on the Steam platform, coming within a few months. Please be sure to add it to your Wishlist! We are listening to all comments, and … Read More

The Energy Spin acceleration is completed!
The Energy Spin acceleration is now completed and we’re very happy that we got this opportunity since we learned to look at things from different angles. The most remarkable thing with the acceleration was that the people there started to … Read More

City Heating Simulation in the IndustrySim Virtual Platform – A Shift of Paradigm?
Question: The IndustrySim Virtual Platform simulates the heating of buildings. Isn’t this a shift in paradigm? Answer: We definitely do not see this as a shift of the paradigm. Let’s elaborate the reasons why we have incorporated heating of buildings … Read More
IndustrySim to participate in the EnergySpin acceleration program
IndustrySim has been chosen to participate in the EnergySpin acceleration program. Our team is very pleased with this recognition which makes the considerable effort worthwhile. It should be pointed out that the energy industry is one of the cornerstones of … Read More

IndustrySim Virtual Platform – IoT and Gaming
Question: The Internet of Things has proven useful in education and engineering, but how can it be a thrill in a game scenario? Answer: The IndustrySim scenarios are going to include many gaming events. There will be “traditional” challenges, but … Read More

Playing with Big Data and the IndustrySim IoT Shell
Question: I would like to run game sessions with Big Data analysis to get a good picture of how it could work. Is this possible to do with your IndustrySim software? Answer: Yes, it is going to be possible at … Read More

The IndustrySim IoT Shell in Action
Question: Could you please give an example of a feasible industrial IoT application? Answer: While developing the concept of the IndustrySim Internet of Things Shell, we sketched up and cold-tested an Industrial IoT (IIoT) application. Distributing electricity is much more … Read More

The IndustrySim Internet of Things (IoT) Shell
Question: Could you please shed some more light on the IndustrySim Internet of Things (IoT) Shell? Answer: One of the challenges with IoT is to make smart devices that show their added value to the user, justifying the investment into … Read More

Developing Internet of Things innovations through IndustrySim
Question: How could the IndustrySim product be useful in finding new feasible IoT applications? Answer: It should be stressed that along with its professional applications, the IndustrySim system can be used as an entertaining and inspiring simulation game. The energy … Read More

IndustrySim and the Plant Maintenance
Question: Will your application include wear and maintenance in the process simulation as well? Answer: Yes, wear and maintenance are important factors in running plants. The process simulation will include wear of the different pieces of equipment, based on specific … Read More
IndustrySim Distributed Control System
Question: I’m interested in plant automation and gaming. Will IndustrySim applications include automation blocks to control the simulated processes? Answer: Yes, a virtual Distributed Control System (V_DCS) will be implemented in IndustrySim applications to handle the control of a process. … Read More

IndustrySim and the Smart Wind Power
Question: People in the village where I live have built together a wind power park with a few turbines. Then, the power output of our wind park is changing fairly much, due to the changes in the wind speed. Would … Read More

IndustrySim Virtual Platform and the Smart Energy
Question: I’m interested in knowing how we could utilize Smart Energy applications in our house, and manage issues in electric power generation. Could you give me some examples on how the IndustrySim application helps us better understand these opportunities? Answer: … Read More

IndustrySim is celebrating the Earth Day!
The IndustrySim Team wants to honor the Earth Day by stressing how important it is to have a clean environment. We are all, together, responsible to maintain that! Unfortunately, the industrial activities often have some negative impact on the environment. … Read More

IndustrySim Ltd. at the Wolves Summit 2016
We are happy to announce that Tomas Rosin and Bartosz Bień will be attending the Wolves Summit Conference in Warsaw, Poland, on April 11th-13th, 2016. If you would like to have a chat with us about the IndustrySim Virtual Platform, … Read More

IndustrySim Virtual Platform and the Big Data
Question: I’m working on Big Data collection and analysis for the manufacturing industry. Can the IndustrySim Virtual Platform provide me with any benefits in my efforts to develop feasible and advantageous applications for the industrial Big Data? Answer: Oh yes, … Read More
IndustrySim Virtual Platform – Official Teaser
We are proud to present the official teaser video for the IndustrySim Virtual Platform!