IndustrySim Virtual Platform
A manufacturing industry-themed serious game
The digital and especially the 4.0 industrial revolution requires a change in the paradigm of relation between industry and humans. The success in the fields of education, training and marketing of industrial products fully depends on human engagement, which is best achieved through gamification.
This is where IndustrySim comes in.
We have created a serious gaming platform where you can quickly build a fully-functioning model of an industrial facility, with multiple events that occur there, and then play a game of them.
The gameplay reflects work processes and challenges which are the essence of the manufacturing industry.
Realistic process simulations are unified with automation, control and optimization to boost the gaming experience. Economic aspects of the processes are also thoroughly presented. The IoT and AI Shells allow for development of applications and interfacing with higher-tier systems, including artificial intelligence-based controllers. A multiplayer mode is under development.
Multiple scenarios are included and you can build your own as well.

The goal of IndustrySim is to teach how the manufacturing industry really works, yet in an immersive and engaging way.
As a player and an enthusiast, you just have fun finding it out!
As a trainer or a teacher, you get an educational tool that makes your employees or students crave for beating the challenges, while grasping the expert knowledge that the game is based upon.
If you happen to be a marketing and sales specialist, imagine letting your customer play with the model of their actual plant, but equipped with the newest version of an industrial device you manufacture. Letting customers interact with your product in action is a truly convincing method of promotion.
IndustrySim Ltd. is a team of professionals with backgrounds in process industries, information technology and game development. We have already got vast experience in creating educational content, simulation-based learning environments. We have been working for years with diverse industries, schools, universities and the academia.
IndustrySim brings all that experience together and takes it to a whole new level. We do not only aim to run a successful business, but also to contribute something meaningful and lasting to the society as a whole.

Tomas Rosin
Partner, CEO

We have received a Best Work-in-Progress Award at the 6th International Conference of Virtual Worlds and Games for Serious Applications.
Is this a simulation package?
No. IndustrySim Virtual Platform is a serious game that can favorably be used to boost efficiency in employee and university training, as well as in marketing of industrial equipment and services. Although high-quality simulations are used by the game, it serves different purposes than classic simulation packages.